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Health Benefits of Orange

Orange fruit

Orange is mostly found in the winter season. We all know all raw orange is green in colour and if the orange is ripe then that colour is yellow. It's the biggest source of Vitamin C. A person's body has required 60-90 milligrams of Vitamin C and one Orange is found in 70 milligrams of Vitamin C. Oranges have not in High calories fruit 100gm Oranges have 60 calories and that is not high calories then we can add oranges on our diet.

1. Orange helps prevent constipation.

Constipation occurs when passing stool is difficult due to irregular bowel movement or hardening of faecal matter due to inadequate water intake the fibre found in orange makes it effective in preventing and providing relief from constipation water is also necessary to prevent constipation and orange has high water content and make the passage of stool and easy and routine process.

2. Strengthen the Immunity system.

Orange contains Vitamin C, Vitamin is known to stimulate immune function. It can assist the function of the immune system antibodies and immune cells that need to detect and quickly destroy invading pathogens orange also contains many other accessory nutrients together with Vitamin C help to reduce oxidative stress on cells.

3. Orange is to Prevent Healthy eyes and enhance vision.

Oranges are a decent source of vitamin A which along with other bioflavonoids helps to protect the eyes from macular degeneration cataracts and even blindness due to deterioration of vision when oranges are added to the diet they can offer adequate protection to the membranes lining the eyes and may be useful in promoting the vision and maintaining eye health for years.

4. Orange may help elevate mood and reduce depression.

when used aroma therapeutically the warm citrus scent of oranges helps to relieve anxiety and induces a sense of calming relaxation the citrus aroma is also contained specific flavonoids, which can improve serotonin synthesis improving mood when you are stressed oranges have badly used historically as a relief for stress as it is believed that they help to reduce cortisol level in the body confirmed by their ability to enhance sexual function which indicates of healthy testosterone levels.

5. Enhance dental help

maintenance of the teeth and gums should be a top priority when it comes to taking care of the mouth as the infectious agent can attack the gum and gain easy entry into the blood supply.

Oranges help promote healthy gums by strengthening the blood vessels and tissues that hold the gums and teeth and vitamin C and oranges help reduce gum inflammation.

The disease scurvy characterized by bleeding gums and poor healing of wounds is aggravated by diminished collagen production caused by vitamin C deficiency.

6. Skin Appearance

Oranges have a stimulatory action on collagen production making them an ideal food for your beauty needs.

Orange can also help minimize acne scars as new skin cells help to reduce the appearance of old scars and blemished coupled with vitamin A has a UV reflection your skin health can be maintained for many more years.
