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Health Benefits of Pineapple

The pineapple could even be a tropical plant and its contents within the high amount of vitamin C . Its easily available in your near market and fruit shop. In 2018 report, Costa Rica is that the very best pineapple producers within the earth. Pineapple cultivation is kind of a time-intensive. Today, 75% of the world's pineapples come from Indonesia, Thailand, and thus the Philippines. Pineapple is the rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. and thus the test is great. Pineapples are high fibre and low calories, Sodium, Saturated fats and cholesterol. The slice of pineapple provides half your daily fruit requirements. Pineapple contains an enzyme which called bromelain, its ability to interrupt down proteins making it great for digestion. Pineapple present within the high amount of vitamin C and its important role play in supporting healthy bones and reduce the danger of Osteoporosis. Its provide nutrients, like copper and a number of other B vitamins, that are important during pregnancy. The researcher discovered that after eating pineapple, melatonin is within the body could increase by 266%. meaning that regularly consume this sweet treat before bed could assist you to fall asleep fast and stay asleep longer. Bromelain enzyme which helps the lungs remove debris and detox naturally. Pineapple can reduce phlegm, making it easier to breathe.
The best time to eat pineapple in between meals as a snack. Vitamin c present in a juice and combine with vitamin B, its boost your metabolism.
Bromelain is extremely effective at reducing inflammation from infections and injuries thus it helps reduce swelling, bruising, healing time and pain after physical injuries and surgery. Pineapple juice is not just a refreshing summer drink, but it has a number of components and enzymes that can help treat various health problems.

Nutrition fact of pineapple :

Amount Per : 100 gm ;

Calories : 50

                                                                           % Daily Value

   Total Fat : 0.1 g                                                             0%

   Saturated fat : 0 g                                                           0%

   polyunsaturated fat : 0 g

   Monounsaturated fat : 0 g

Cholesterol : 0 mg                                                           0%

Solium : 1 mg                                                                     0%

Potassium : 109 mg                                                         3%

Total Carbohydrate : 13 g                                            4%

      Dietary fiber : 1.4 g                                                        5%

      Sugar : 10 g

Protein : 0.5 g

Vitamin A :                        1%

Vitamin C :                       79%

Calcium :                           1%

Iron :                                  1%

Vitamin D :                       0%

Vitamin B-6 :                    5%

Cabalamin :                      0%

Magnesium                       3%

Health  benefits of pineapple juice

1. Pineapple is the great test(most sweet) and that juice is delicious for your taste palate.

2. Drink pineapple juice will get up you and ready for the day with necessary nutrients your body craves.

3. Pineapple juice present in vitamin C and Vitamin B1, Its boost your metabolism.

4. Drink pineapple juice daily bid bye to a digestive related problem.

5. Pineapple juice is helpful in weight management and its presence in many detox diets.
Natural Diuretic they help release toxic in your body. Bromelain helps metabolize protein and burn excess fat in the abdominal area.

6. it relieves muscle cramps and joint pains.

7. Pineapple juice is a natural diuretic that eases the removal of toxins from the body and relieves your kidney from the strain.
Increase urination and thus helps in flushing out the toxins from the body and keeping your kidney clean and healthy.

8. You can improve your cardiovascular health by consuming pineapple juice since it is loaded with minerals, fibre and vitamins that ensure proper heart function.

9. Drink pineapple juice can slow down the ageing process and make your skin look younger and supple.

10. The juice also provides you with an adequate amount of copper that aids your body in carrying out the various function of which the most important is the formation of red blood cells. Increase the RBC Sufficient supply of oxygen.

11. Pineapple juice is rich with manganese and that ensure strong bones and tissues. an only single serving of juice contains 73% of manganese that is required on a daily basis.

Side effect of pineapple juice

Some people are suffering from Allergic Reactions to Pineapple juice. That have Breathing difficulties, upset stomach and inflamed tissues of the gum, tongue and lips are signs of an allergic reaction.

The active enzyme found in pineapple juice can cause diarrhoea, nausea and other gastrointestinal problem when consumed in excess.

Drink too much pineapple juice can damage the mucous membranes in the mouth and slow the production of mucus.

How to make pineapple juice

follow the steps to make pineapple juice 

1. wash, peel and cut the pineapple into small slices.

2. feed the sliced pineapple into the feeding tube.

Health benefits of pineapple peel

The skin has Bromelain, which may be a powerful enzyme which is anti-inflammatory in nature. It works magic in those that have arthritis or joint pain. Mixing up a potion with pineapple peels work directly on the source of the pain. It also helps in reducing swelling after surgery or injury.
Some early studies have shown that skins amount of manganese, Vitamin C, bromelain and antioxidants have the ability to fight tumours and aids in cancer prevention.
It is said the peels can fight intestinal parasites and help with constipation.
If you're looking to boost immunity, you want to consider the pineapple peel.
The skin also can be teeth and bone strengthener since it's rich in manganese. it's great for oral health because vitamin C can keep gums healthy.
Beta carotene and vitamin C present within the entire plant, aid in battling degenerative eye diseases like glaucoma.

Follow some steps to make tea with help pineapple peels

1. Remove the skin and place it in a saucepan

2. You can also add cloves, ginger and cinnamon sticks

3. Add some water and allow it t brew for some 15 minutes on low flame.

4. Turn it off and let it steep for another 15 minutes. You can serve it either hot or cold.
